Thursday 12 July 2012

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir,
Three bags full.

One for the Master,
One for the Dame,
And one for the Little Boy, 
Who lives down the lane

Long-Haired Lady

A couple lived next to a walled garden belonging to a sorceress. After a time, the wife became pregnant with their first child. From her bedroom window the wife could see into the garden and she noticed there were plenty of delicious looking rapunzel and began to long for them.
rapunzel (a green herb also known as corn salad)

As her desire increased, and not knowing, and not knowing how to get any, she became ill. When her husband found out, he promised to get her some of the rapunzel. Though he was actually very frightened to go to the sorceress's garden as she was feared by everyone, he loved his wife very dearly and was willing to do anything to make her happy. So he climbed into the garden and was about to pull out some rapunzel when the sorceress appeared. Mother Gothel (that was her name) screamed :

Gothel : How dare you steal my vegetable?

the terrified man tried to explain to his action. When he wan done, Mother Gothel gave him permission to take as much as he wanted, on one condition - that when his daughter was born (she knew it would be a girl), she would be given to the sorceress. the man was much too frightened to say no, so he agreed.
Mother Gothel

The day came when the wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. In a moment, the fearful sorceress appeared and took it away. She name the baby Rapunzel.


Rapunzel grew into a lovely young girl. She had long golden yellow hair that was never cut. everyday she combed and braided it. Her hair grew so long that Rapunzel had to coil it around her head to keep herself from tripping over.

When Rapunzel reached her 12th birthday, Mother Gothel locked her up in a tower in the middle of the wood. The tower had no doors or stairways to reach the top. There was only one room and one window. When the sorceress came to visit Rapunzel, she stood at the base of the tower and cried out " Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair".

When she heard this, Rapunzel would uncoil her braided hair, wind it around a window hook, and let it fall to the ground. The sorceress would then climb it. This went on for some years until Rapunzel had grown into a young lady.

One day, a handsome prince was riding in the woods, when he heard Rapunzel singing. He wanted to know who it was that was singing. He discovered the tower, just as the sorceress came for her visit. He watched how Mother Gothel climbed into the tower and waited until she had left. Then the Prince decided to try it himself. He called out to Rapunzel to let down her hair. Not knowing that it was the Prince, Rapunzel let her hair down and the Prince climbed up. Rapunzel was frightened as first as she had never seen anyone other than Mother Gothel. But the Prince was handsome and his gentle words soothed her. They fell in love and the Prince asked her to marry him.

Rapunzel agreed and the started making plans for her escape. However, Rapunzel accidentally let out the secret one day when she said : Really Mother Gothel, you are far more difficult to pull up than the prince".

The sorceress was incensed. As punishment, she cut off Rapunzel's hair and cast her out into the wild. When the Prince arrived soon after, Mother Gothel used Rapunzel's hair to pull him up. To his horror, the sorceress told him that he would never be able to see his love again and pushed him out of the window. He fell on some thorn bushes and was blinded. So he wandered about sadly until one day he heard a familiar voice singing. It was Rapunzel!!!

She too recognized him, and crying, threw her arms around his neck. Two of her tears fell into his eyes, and they became clear again, and he could see as well as before. He took her to his kingdom where the married and lived happily ever after.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Album Fitri

As, Fitri n Aizul

Sengeh jerk

time potong rambut dengan aunty cina

men badminton

my beloved brothers


ni Santa version melayu

ni apek mane plak ni

ni punjab mane datang umah ni???

cover senyum

poyo jer dak sorang ni


ni time die baru setaun... belom berjalan lagi

Fitri dan Sofia (kekasih gelap) hehe


peace lagik

Friday 29 June 2012

Sedapnya Sayur!!!!

Sayur-sayuran sememangnya menjadi salah satu makanan yang paling tidak digemari mereka. Kalau ada sedikit warna hijau sayuran pastinya mereka tidak mahu makan. 

untuk melatih mereka memakan sayuran, senang saja......... Sebagai contoh goreng sayur-sayuran berdaun seperti kangkung, bayam, sawi, dan lain-lain dengan menggunakan tepung yang dicampur dengan pelbagai perasa rasanya sedap dan rangup seperti mengunyah keropok. Bagi sayuran seperti yang petola dan lobak merah pula, potonglah sayur-sayuran ini mengikut bentuk bunga yang menarik. Pasti mereka menyukainya!!!!!!!!!!!

Halia Untuk Gigi Sihat

Apabila bayi mula 'gatal gusi' pastinya para ibu tidak sabar untuk melihat gigi pertamanya muncul. Itu tandanya dia melangkah setapak ke hadapan iaitu lebih bersedia untuk makanan pejal.

Namun, tanpa penjagaan yang betul, gigi bayi/kanak-kanak mudah rosak kerana cenderung makan makanan yang manis seperti aiskrim, coklat, kek dan sebagainya.

Bagi memastikan gigi bayi tumbuh cantik dan tidak mudah rosak apabila membesar, ibu hendaklah menghiris sedikit halia dan sapukan ke bahagian gusi yang mengeluarkan gigi. Sebaik-baiknya, langkah ini perlu dilakukan sebaik sahaja gusi yang mengeluarkan gigi.

Botol Susu

Kebanyakkan botol susu yang lutsinar dan keras diperbuat daripada polikarbonat yang mengandungi Bisphenol A atau lebih dikenali sebagai BPA. Bahan inilah yang membentuk botol susu atau mana-mana jenis botol plastik yang lainnya menjadi keras dan lutsinar.

BPA yang terikat dengan polikarbonat mempunyai kemampuan untuk 'merosakkan' botol. ini terutamanya apabila botol susu yang anda gunakan kerap dicuci, dipanas atau disteril. Ketiga-tiga amalan ini boleh menjejaskan kualiti botol susu. Apatah lagi, apabila BPA yang terkandung di dalamnya meresap keluar dan menyerap masuk ke dalam susu ibu yang berada dalam botol.

Isu BPA dan botol susu ini perlu diambil berat terutamnya keupayaan BPA meniru hormon semulajadi wanita-estradiol. Kebanyakkan data kajian menunjukkan pendedahan yang minimum terhadap BPA sekali pun mampu menjadi punca kepada kanser payu dara, akil baligh dalam usia yang terlalu muda dan perkembangan diri kanak-kanak terganggu.

Jika para ibu bapa was-was dan ingin mengelak terus daripada menggunakan produk yang mengandungi BPA, panduan penggunaan produk-produk berikut adalah antara pilihan yang boleh anda ikuti.


  1. Botol kaca - Walaubagaimanapun, risiko kecederaan pada bayi mahupun ibu adalah tinggi jika ia terjatuh dan pecah.
  2. Botol plastik opaque (Legap/Kabur) - Botol ini diperbuat daripada polyethylene atau poliypropylene yang disahkan tidak mengandungi BPA
  3. Botol bebas BPA - walaubagaimanapun harganya kebanyakkan botol jenis ini lebih mahal daripada botol yang berjenama yang lainnya.
  4. Sistem drop-in atau disposable liner - kebanyakkan sistem ini adalah bebas BPA. Ini kerana liner botol yang digunakan tidak mengandungi BPA


Jangan panaskan susu di dalam ketuhar gelombang mikro menggunakan botol susu. Botol susu yang kepanasan akan meningkatkan potensi BPA meresap ke dalam susu. selain daripada itu, perbuatan ini mungkin merosakkan komponen penting yang ada di dalam susu.

Thursday 28 June 2012


Vaksin Rubella diberi kepada pelajar perempuan supaya tubuh mempunyai antibodi melawan penyakit rubella ini.Penyakit ini merbahaya kepada ibu hamil. ini kerana kuman Rubella menjakiti janin dan bileh mengalami masalah Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS). CRS boleh menyebabkan janin menjadi buta dan pekak.

Bagi mengelakkan CRS, Kementerian Kesihatan mengadakan program di mana semua pelajar perempuan di sekolah disuntik dengan vaksin Rubella. Namun hanya 95% pelajar perempuan akan berjaya menghasilkan antibodi di dalam badan. Kejayaan ini berkekalan sepangjang hayat.